After graduation people find it difficult to find out the possible direction or a way forward to pursue their career. However, most of the graduate consider government departments as a first choice to get job. They often search for MCQs or objectives of basic electrical engineering for test preparation.
Why do people prefer government jobs over private sector jobs?
That is because of the many reasons of their preference in government sector. Firstly, Most of the government departments offer position to electrical engineers in Grade-17. Secondly, all these position offers attractive salaries along with attractive perks and privileges. Lastly, these jobs are more secure than private sector as for as job security is concern. Above all factor make it attractive for a new entrant.
So, This is designed for all those aspirants who seeks opportunities in government organizations. In order to prepare they need a platform where they can have guidance and relevant material for getting excellent marks.
As we know that, Electrical Engineering Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are the type of questions which we usually see in the different type of job oriented test conducted for electrical engineers based on concepts of basic electrical engineering. These tests are often taken by different government or private organizations like WAPDA, NTDC, IESCO, FESCO, PESCO, LESCO, NESPAK, SUPPARCO, NESCOM, MES, NTS, FPSC, PPSC, PTS, Engro etc.
For this reason, we have have compiled relevant material based on past papers, Handa, V.k Mehta and different online platforms. This material will surely help you to have better understanding of upcoming test of different departments. However, This material is compiled by successful aspirants of WAPDA and other government departments.
So, what are you waiting for!
Just start it from one section and gradually study it till the end.