- The advantage of transistor over vaccum tube
a. no heat is required
b. small size and light in weight
c. very low power consumption
d. all of the above
2. Aging effect exists in
a. vaccum tubes only
b. transistor only
c. both vaccum tubes as well as transistor
d. none of the above
3. A collector collect
a. electrons from the base in case of PNP transistor
b. electrons from the emitter in case PNP transistor
c. holes from the base in case of NPN transistor
d. holes from the base in case of PNP transistor
4. A PNP transistor is made of
a. Silicon
b. Germanium
c. Either silicon or germanium
d. None of the above
5. In most transistor , collector region is made physically larger than the emitter region
a. For dissipating heat
b. to distinguish it from other regions
c. as it is sensitive to ultra -violet raye
d. to reduce resistance in the path of flow of electrons
6. In a transistor which of the following region is very lightly doped and is very thin?
a. Emitter
b. Base
c. Collector
d. None of the above
7. In a NPN transistor the function of the emitter is
a. to emit or inject holes into the collector
b. to emit or injct electrons into the collector
c. to emit or inject electron into the base
d. to emit or inject holes into the base
8. In a PNP transistor, with normal bias the emitter junction
a. is always reverse biased
b. offers very high resistance
c. offers a low resistance
d. remains open
9. In a NPN transistor , when emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse biased , the transistor will operate in
a. active region
b. saturation region
c. cut off region
d. inverted region
10. In a PNP transistor, electron flow
a. into the transistor at the collector only
b. into the transistor at the base and collector leads
c. out of the transistor at base collector leads
d. out of the transistor at base collector as well as emitter leads