As we know that there is a huge gap between academia and industry practices so fresh engineers find it difficult to meet the demands of the recruiters in the Industry. To bridge that gap, we have launched a short course named as “A short course to understand Electrical Construction Drawings”.
Evidently, Engineers in Pakistan are facing lack of Job opportunities because of the shrinking of industry in last two decades due to various reasons like shortage of electricity, law & Order situation. However, Construction sector is continuously going on irrespective of the circumstances all over the country.
However, Construction sector covers a huge numbers of engineers for the execution and commissioning of different projects. People who is familiar with site job responsibilities and understanding of drawings will have preference over other candidates to get job offers.
As we know that, there is a huge gap between academia and industry practices so fresh engineers find it difficult to meet the demands of the recruiters in the Industry. To bridge that gap, we have launched a short course named as “A short course to understand Electrical Construction Drawings”.
Who should attend this course?
- Electrical Engineers,
- Fresh or experienced diploma holder
- Those electrician who do not understand drawings.
- Maintenance professionals
Main Course:

Moreover, All type of layouts will be covered in this course.
Layouts Drawings:
- Lighting Layouts
- Power, Data & Telephone Layouts
- CCTV System Layouts
- Fire Alarm & Public Address System Layouts
- Main Cable Containment Layout
- Earthing Layout
General Drawings
- Single Line Diagram (SLD)
- Power Riser Drawings
- Earthing System Riser Drawing
- GPON System Riser Drawing
- Fire Alarm System Schematic Diagram
- Public Address System Schematic Diagram
- CCTV System Schematic or Riser Drawing
Additional Features:
- Career Guidance
- Network Growth
- Detailed Session on Private Sector
- Tips for Job Hunting
This course is comprised of 2 sessions which will be completed in 2 weeks. Moreover, each session will consist of 1.5 hours. Sessions will be on on Zoom on Saturday 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM only.
Course Material:
During the course, a complete set of soft copy drawings will be shared with the participants to have deep understanding of the drawings. Furthermore, It will help participants to understand drawings during entire week and they will be able to ask question in next session. However, Other relevant material will also be shared but not lectures.
Even though, Investing in yourself may be the most profitable investment you ever make. It yields not only future returns, but often a current pay-off as well. Mostly, People pay more focus to invest on their physical appearance but rarely agree to invest on their inner selves. Despite of the fact, Investment on physical appearance are ephemeral, while investment on mind is eternal.
Meanwhile, The best way to achieve a better quality life, and be successful, productive, and satisfied is to place a priority on investing in both personal and professional growth. The effort you put into consistently investing in yourself plays a large role in determining the quality of your life now and in the future.
As this is the second batch of first of its kind of course which focuses more on practical job oriented skills. Currently 60% have been waived off for first batch.
Details of charges are given below:
Actual Charges: PKR. 5000/ Only
Discount: 80%
After 80% off, Its a great opportunity to grab this offer and new amount will be
New Charges after Discount: PKR. 1000/ Only
For Overseas: 15$ USD
Registration Process:
Registration process starts by registring yourself in a google form.
After this , you will be given account details for payment of the course. After submission of charges, you will have to send your Name, City, University, Graduation year along with payment details for confirmation. Once you get confirmation, it means you are enrolled in the course. After registration, you will be given pre requisite guidelines to prepare certain tasks before the start of the course. Contact details are given below:
Contact#: 0341-2150644
Email Address: [email protected]